Gort Beag

Thursday 8 August 2013

Congratulations to all the new tenants of Gort Beag - our new neighbours here in the Resource Centre! Today saw all the paperwork being completed, and the handing over of the keys to the new residents of the ten beautiful new houses.

Many thanks are due to the Department for Social Development, the Housing Executive, Apex Housing Association, and Donoghmore Construction for all their hard work in seeing this project through to completion, and to all those in the island community who have given their time and energy over the years in representing the housing needs of the island so effectively. Lastly, thanks to all on the island for their patience with all the noise and disruption over the last eighteen months or so!

There is a more formal hand-over event being planned by the DSD for October - we will pass on the information when we receive it.

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