Rathlin Weather Forecasts, Weather Data and Tidal Information

Live weather data is available from a weather station on the island (this may not be available at all times). The animation below is from windyty.com:

The Windfinder charts below provide an up to date readout of wind direction and speed, air temperature and pressure. This information is updated from the weather station listed above.

General Weather Forecasts

Windfinder 4-day forecast:
BBC 3-day forecast:
forecast.co.uk 4-day forecast:

Other General Weather Forecasts

Windfinder 3-day forecast.
Windfinder 7-day forecast.
Windfinder wind forecast map.
magicseaweed.com wind and swell forecast maps.
yr.no forecast overview.
yr.no hour by hour forecast.
yr.no detailed hour by hour forecast.
yr.no long term forecast.
yr.no weather statistics.
yr.no weather map.
Metcheck weather site.
XCWeather weather site.
Excite weather site, with specific page for the island.
AccuWeather weather site.
MeteoGroup weather page for the island (weather station on Islay).
MSN weather page.
BBC weather page, with animated map of Northern Ireland.
UTV weather page.
RTÉ Ulster weather page.
Met Office weather page.
Met Éireann County Antrim weather page.
Met Éireann rainfall radar animated map.

Marine Forecasts

Met Office inshore waters forecast.
Met Éireann sea area forecast.
RTÉ marine forecast.
BBC shipping forecast.

Tides & Shipping

Tideschart page for Rathlin, also including info on weather, fishing, etc.
Hydrographic Office tide predictor (Ballycastle Bay).
BBC tide table for Ballycastle Bay.
WillyWeather Tide Times & Heights for Rathlin Island.
AIS plotting of shipping by the island. This site provides live updates of shipping active in the waters around Rathlin.
marinetraffic.com plotting of shipping.

The RDCA is not responsible for the
content of external internet sites

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Registered with HMRC as a Charity for Tax Purposes
Registered with the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC100375