Farmer Jason at the Manor House

Event date: 
Sunday, September 1, 2019 - 14:00 - 15:00



A welcome return to Rathlin for the award winning children's entertainer Farmer Jason.

"Farmer Jason has performed several thousand concerts in venues ranging from rural fairs on the Alaskan tundra to posh European performance halls. The highly acclaimed live show involves sing-alongs, dancing, and discussions about nature appreciation, ecology, and farm animals. Farmer Jason performs solo with just his acoustic guitar (no backing track gimmickry), which adds to the spontaneous, high energy nature of his concerts. Although aimed at children ages 2 to 8, everyone is invited to get involved, and they do! Farmer Jason draws his musical influences from folk, country, and rock ‘n’ roll with a dash of DIY punk rock. Grab a pitchfork, or your guitar, and climb aboard the tractor!"

£3 per child, includes picnic snack box
Manor House, or the Manor House garden, weather permitting!

Sunday 1st September
Manor House

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