Media Coverage of Rathlin

This page updates readers on media coverage of Rathlin. Please note that some news websites charge for access to any material, and others charge for older news archive material. This affects the range of material that we can link to.


Irish Times travel feature (20 January 2018) on six Irish islands to visit, including Rathlin.


Irish Times feature (11 March 2017) on the newly re-opened Manor House and the community project behind it.

Afloat report (18 February 2017) on the ongoing sea, berthing and vehicle-loading trials for the Spirit of Rathlin.

Belfast Telegraph article (17 January 2017) on the completion of the new ferry for the island, the MV Spirit of Rathlin.

Irish Times feature (11 January 2017) on walking the 'Rathlin Trail' from the harbour to the West Light.

Farming Life report (11 January 2017) on the RSPB's attempts to gather nettles from the mainland for corncrake habitat work on Rathlin.


BBC News story (31 December 2016) about the Manor House refurbishment project and the economic and social revival of Rathlin.

Irish Times article (19 November 2016) on the development of seaweed businesses around Ireland, including on Rathlin.

Ballymoney & Moyle Times article (10 November 2016) on the affordable housing information day held on the island.

Afloat report (8 November 2016) on the sea trials for the Spirit of Rathlin.

Afloat article (27 September 2016) on the construction of the new car ferry for the island, the Spirit of Rathlin.

Farming Life report (31 August 2016) on the visit to Rathlin of the new DAERA Minister, Michelle McIlveen.

Causeway Coast Community report (16 August 2016) on the visit to the island of the new Minister for Infrastructure, Chris Hazzard.

Belfast Telegraph article (4 June 2016) on the death of Loughie McQuilkin.

Belfast Telegraph report (10 May 2016) on the call of the corncrake being heard again on Rathlin.

The Independent article (17 March 2016) about genetic analysis of the human remains found behind McCuaig's Bar ten years earlier.

Irish News article (5 March 2016) on the reopening of the West Light Seabird Centre.

Irish News article (23 February 2016) on the search for a new operator for the reopening Manor House.


Irish Post article (7 October 2015) on Ireland's most beautiful islands, including Rathlin of course!

Irish News guide (3 October 2015) to Rathlin's Roonivoolin walk.

Ballymoney and Moyle Times article (14 September 2015) about collections of clothes and other items in the local area for refugees.

Belfast Live story & slideshow (14 September 2015) about the pod of bottlenose dolphins seen repeatedly in Church Bay.

BBC News story (2 September 2015) about the protection of maerl - a 'coraline alga' - in Church Bay.

Ballymoney and Moyle Times slideshow (1 September 2015) of the Rathlin Run held on 29 August.

BBC News story (28 August 2015) about the large pod of bottlenose dolphins that has been in the area for several weeks.

Belfast Telegraph article (26 August 2015) about the intervention of the MV Rathlin Express in a maritime emergency.

Telegraph travel feature (23 August 2015) about islands, including a brief piece on Rathlin.

Irish Times travel feature (19 August 2015) as Gaeilge ar Oileán Reachlainn.

Ballymoney and Moyle Times article (7 August 2015) about the visit of the Health Minister to Rathlin, including a visit to the Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service team on the island.

Guardian article (6 August 2015) on the National Trust and British Library vote for people's favourite seaside sounds, including seals on Rathlin.

Ballymoney and Moyle Times article (31 July 2015) about the visit of the Society of Biology to Rathlin, including a Roonivoolin walk.

BBC News report (19 July 2015) on the successful search for a diver off the east coast of Rathlin.

Guardian guide (4 June 2015) to small islands - including Rathlin - based on reader's suggestions.

Belfast Telegraph article (23 May 2015) on the awarding of the Royal College of Nursing's Public Health Award to the island's two district nurses Ann Lywood and Patricia McCaughan.

Ballymoney and Moyle Times article (23 May 2015) about the visit of renowned sailor Trevor Robertson to the island for the Rathlin Sound Maritime Festival.

Belfast News Letter story (22 May 2015) on the announcement of a replacement ferry for the long-serving MV Canna.

Ballymoney and Moyle Times article (17 April 2015) about a Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service fire safety event on the island.

BBC News story (14 January 2015) about the island being cut off by bad weather for four days.

Belfast News Letter story (7 January 2015) about the Coastal Communities Fund grant for the Manor House guesthouse.


Belfast News Letter report (3 December 2014) on the dedication of the memorial bench on Rathlin.

Belfast Telegraph article (1 December 2014) on the island's Ocean Veg company.

Ballymoney and Moyle Times slideshow (4 November 2014) including the island's Halloween Festival.

Belfast Telegraph article (22 October 2014) about the donation of a log book from HMS Drake to a charity shop in London. The article refers to the ship's association with Rathlin.

Belfast Telegraph article (2 August 2014) about Rathlin's renewed football team.

RTÉ News video (25 July 2014) report about new businesses and the population growth of the island.

RTÉ Radio 1 News at One audio (25 July 2014) item about the population growth of the island.

Belfast Telegraph article (17 June 2014) about a corncrake being scared off by a helicopter landing.

Irish News article (9 June 2014) about the potential export of Rathlin seaweed.

Farming Life article (7 June 2014) about the Great Auk project in the school, featuring a short film about the project.

Ballymoney and Moyle Times article (7 June 2014) about the beginning of the process of replacing the MV Canna as a car ferry for the island.

BBC News article (30 May 2014) about the second year of the island's successful Rathlin Sound Maritime Festival.

Belfast Telegraph article (29 May 2014) about a corncrake being heard on the island for the first time in years.

Ballymoney and Moyle Times article (8 April 2014) about the launch of the 'Rathlin is Open' initiative highlighting the island being open for business this tourist season, and the launch of the new walk guide booklets.

Afloat feature (22 March 2014) about sailing around Ireland's east and north coasts, including 'the charms of Rathlin Island with its excellent little marina'.

The Herald story (4 March 2014) about a Scottish man retracing the steps of Robert the Bruce, starting on Rathlin.

Ballymoney and Moyle Times article (14 January 2014) about Rathlin being open for business this tourist season.


Ballymoney and Moyle Times article (16 December 2013) about the successful application for funding for outdoor gym equipment for Rathlin.

Ballymoney and Moyle Times article (11 November 2013) on the new public walking trails on the island.

BBC documentary (21 October 2013) about summer life on the island (only available until Monday 28 October, and only in the UK).

Belfast Telegraph article (21 October 2013) about the announcement by the Department for Regional Development of funding for a new Rathlin ferry.

BBC News feature (19 October 2013) about life on the island.

Ballycastle Chronicle article (17 October 2013) about the official handover of the new Gort Beag social housing development on the island.

Ballymoney and Moyle Times article (17 October 2013) about the official handover of the new Gort Beag social housing development on the island.

Ballymoney and Moyle Times article (11 October 2013) about the official opening of the newly-extended pontoons in the harbour. report (10 October 2013) on the official handover of the new Gort Beag social housing development on the island.

BBC News report (4 September 2013) about the announcement of a cross-border project to renovate five of Ireland's lighthouses - including Rathlin West - which has secured €2.5m (£2.1m) from the European Union.

Ballymoney and Moyle Times report (23 August 2013) about the recent influx of boats to the newly-extended pontoons in the harbour. report (22 August 2013) on the completion of the new Gort Beag houses on the island.

Irish Times travel feature (22 August 2013) on the north coast, including references to Rathlin.

BYM Sailing & Sports News report (21 August 2013) about the recent organised visit of Scottish yachts to the new pontoons in the harbour on Rathlin.

Belfast Telegraph report (21 August 2013) about the Rural Development Programme's contribution towards the new pontoons in the harbour on Rathlin.

Silicon Republic article (4 July 2013) about BT's trialling of new high speed broadband on Rathlin.

Belfast Telegraph article (3 July 2013) about the visit of DRD Minister Danny Kennedy MLA to open the new wastewater treatment works on the island.

Ballymoney and Moyle Times article (23 June 2013) about the highly successful shipwrecks exhibition held during the Rathlin Sound Maritime Festival. feature (10 April 2013) about their list of 'the 50 top islands in the UK', including Rathlin.

Omnium Sanctorum Hiberniae article (7 April 2013) about St Aedh of Rathlin, resident on the island in the eighth century.

Ballymoney and Moyle Times article (7 April 2013) about the forthcoming Rathlin Sound Maritime Festival.

Slugger O'Toole blog (1 April 2013) about Rathlin's burgeoning wine industry.

Ballymoney and Moyle Times article (12 March 2013) about Rathlin becoming Ireland's first Fairtrade island.

Irish Independent interview (8 March 2013) with Frances Black, including references to the RISE Foundation's plans for an addiction awareness and education centre on Rathlin.

BBC slideshow (6 March 2013) featuring the finalists for the Mammal Society's Mammal Photographer of the Year 2013. Rathlin wildlife and landscape photographer Tom McDonnell was highly commended for his picture of grey seals.

Irish Times feature (2 March 2013) about the best places to holiday in Ireland. Roisin Ingle writes enthusiastically about Rathlin.


BBC Radio 4 item (17 December 2012) from the 'You and Yours' programme about Noel McCurdy's work with the post on the island (the report is split into three parts at: 08.53; 43.03; and 49.06).

Ballycastle Chronicle article (5 December 2012) about Dominic McCurdy's retirement from the ferry.

Belfast News Letter article (31 October 2012) about improvements to life on Rathlin, includes comments from Regional Development Minister Danny Kennedy and RDCA Chair Michael Cecil.

Guardian blog (20 September 2012) on rising food prices which mentions seafood supplied from Rathlin.

Northern Ireland Tourist Board video (18 September 2012) footage of Rathlin from their 2012 campaign.

Irish Independent article (20 September 2012) about the statement issued by Providence Resources regarding oil and gas exploration in the Rathlin Basin.

Ulster GAA article (4 September 2012) about Rathlin's hosting of a junior hurling competition.

Ballymoney and Moyle Times report (23 August 2012) about the junior hurling tournament.

Larne Times report (22 August 2012) about the Rathlin Run.

Ballymoney and Moyle Times report (17 August 2012) about the visit to Rathlin of the Pride of Mann II, a vessel used by Sailing for the Disabled.

Ballymoney and Moyle Times article (9 July 2012) about the launch of 'The Call of the Running Tide' by the late Wallace Clark on the island.

University of Ulster media release (28 June 2012) about the launch on the island of a new archeological survey of Rathlin.

Ballymoney and Moyle Times article (3 June 2012) about Moyle District Council's decision to support the RDCA's renewable energy project.

Belfast Kayak Club pictures (28 May 2012) from their recent trip around the island.

Belfast Telegraph story (11 April 2012) about the RSPB's attempts to attract conrcrakes back to Rathlin.

BBC News article (10 April 2012) about the catching of a skate off Rathlin.

BBC News story (2 April 2012) (one of very many) about the launch of the new social housing project on the island.

BBC News story (15 March 2012) about Providence Resources oil find off Co Cork, including comments made by Tony O'Reilly Jr about Rathlin.

Ballycastle Chronicle report (15 March 2012) on Rathlin's celebrations of Fairtrade Fortnight.

Londonderry Sentinel article (7 March 2012) about the recent aerial survey by Rathlin Energy Ltd.

Londonderry Sentinel article (29 February 2012) about the return to Rathlin of Northern Ireland's only choughs in advance of the breeding season.

Irish Times article (4 February 2012) about a call by Tánaiste Eamon Gilmore for a public inquiry into Providence Resources' foreshore licence application to survey and drill for oil and gas in Dublin Bay.

Ballymoney and Moyle Times article (30 January 2012) about conservation work to encourage corncrakes back to the island.

Irish Times article (25 January 2012) about a public meeting in Dalkey, Co. Dublin about Providence Resources drilling offshore in the area.

Irish Times article (5 January 2012) about Providence Resources being offered the offshore drilling rights for six blocks of the Rathlin Basin.


UTV News report and video (15 December 2011) about Rathlin and the proposed tidal power scheme.

Proactive Investors report (14 December 2011) about Providence Resources intention to drill on Rathlin "in the fourth quarter of this year or early next" year.

BBC Weather article (7 December 2011) about Rathlin and the recent bad weather.

Belfast Telegraph archive photographs (18 November 2011) of the island for sale.

TG4 'Ceol na nOileán' programme (25 September 2011) about the island's singing traditions.

Ballymoney Times article (14 September 2011) about the recent award for Emma's Chip Ahoy.

Irish Times Irishwoman's Diary (5 September 2011) about the recently launched book on HMS Drake.

Independent interview (16 July 2011) with TV presenter Liz Bonnin about travel - she mentions Rathlin as one of her favourite places.

Belfast News Letter article (7 July 2011) on the funeral of Johnny Curry.

Belfast Telegraph article (6 July 2011) on the funeral of Johnny Curry.

Ballymoney and Moyle Times article (5 July 2011) on the death of Johnny Curry.

Belfast News Letter article (4 July 2011) on the death of Johnny Curry.

Belfast Telegraph article (4 July 2011) on the death of Johnny Curry.

Belfast Telegraph feature (30 June 2011) on the impact of the gale in late May on the vegetation on the island.

Irish Weather Online article (29 June 2011) on the successful breeding on Rathlin of Northern Ireland's only choughs.

Irish Examiner article (23 June 2011) on the likelihood of Providence Resources selling stakes in their Rathlin drilling licence, which they state they are 'due to drill on next year'.

Irish Whale and Dolphin Group report (15 June 2011) about sightings of killer whales around the island.

Ballymoney and Moyle Times article (7 June 2011) about the launch of Philip Watson's book on Rathlin.

Ballymoney and Moyle Times article (26 May 2011) about the arrival of a new fire service vehicle on Rathlin.

Belfast News Letter article (26 May 2011) about the possibility of the Northern Ireland Executive holding a meeting on Rathlin.

BBC 1 Northern Ireland 'Wild Week' programme (23 May 2011) about Rathlin (available until Monday 30 May).

BBC Radio Ulster 'Your Place and Mine' programme (21 May 2011) about Rathlin (available until Saturday 28 May).

Irish Times article (12 May 2011) about the death of Wallace Clark, author of 'Rathlin: Its Island Story'.

Proactive Investors article (17 April 2011) update about Providence Resources and their intention to drill on Rathlin.

Irish Times travel feature (8 April 2011) about the island.

Irish Independent article (8 April 2011) about fundraising for the RISE Foundation's work and its building at the East Light.

Ballymoney and Moyle Times article (6 April 2011) about planning permission being granted for the RISE Foundation's building at the East Light.

Ballymoney and Moyle Times article (6 April 2011) about the visit to Rathlin of Providence Resources and about their intention to drill on Rathlin.

Proactive Investors article (1 April 2011) about the Providence Resources sale at a loss of their Gulf of Mexico assets in order to help fund their intention to drill on Rathlin.

BBC News article (31 March 2011) about the proposed rat and ferret eradication programme for Rathlin.

Belfast Telegraph article (31 March 2011) about the proposed rat and ferret eradication programme for Rathlin.

For Argyll travel feature (29 March 2011) about the new 'Kintyre Express' RIB link between Campbelltown and Ballycastle, which includes a lot of coverage of the island.

Destination Truth television programme (17 March 2011) with feature about banshees on the island (Rathlin item starts at: 1.27.41, and ends at: 1.31.05).

Boston Globe travel feature (13 March 2011) about Rathlin and the north coast.

Irish Times article (12 March 2011) about Providence Resources's plans for oil and/or gas drilling on Rathlin.

Proactive Investors article (11 March 2011) about Providence Resources's plans for oil and/or gas drilling on Rathlin.

Irish Times article (4 March 2011) about the origins of Hamlet's name and Rathlin.

Herald Scotland article (2 March 2011) about the scrapping of plans for an offshore windfarm off Machrihanish in Kintyre.

Irish Times article (17 February 2011) about Providence Resources's plans for oil and/or gas drilling on Rathlin.

BBC Countryfile video (11 February 2011) about seals on Rathlin.

UTV News story (2 February 2011) about the decision by the Electoral Office not to remove Rathlin's polling station.

BBC News story (1 February 2011) about the decision by the Electoral Office not to remove Rathlin's polling station.

Belfast Telegraph story (1 February 2011) about the decision by the Electoral Office not to remove Rathlin's polling station.

BBC News story (14 January 2011) about the draft budget for the Department for Regional Development, including a reduced subsidy for the Rathlin ferry.

Belfast Telegraph story (7 January 2011) about the award of a Lottery grant to the Linen Hall Library in Belfast to restore and present to the public rare books, including the '1722 Rathlin Catechism'.


The Hindu travel article (17 December 2010) about the north Antrim coast including the island.

Belfast Telegraph article (23 November 2010) about the cracking of coded clues in Christopher Marsh's novel 'A Year in the Province', leading a Belfast man to Rathlin.

Guardian editorial (3 November 2010) includes Rathlin in a list of islands well worth visiting.

Ballymoney Times article (28 October 2010) about the RDCA's petition to stop the removal of the island's polling station.

BBC Radio Foyle interview (26 October 2010) with Noel McCurdy on the Mark Patterson show about the petroleum licence issue (interview starts at 1hr 29mins in - available until Tuesday 2 November).

BBC News story (26 October 2010) about DETI's intention to award a petroleum exploration licence for Rathlin to Providence Resources. story (19 October 2010) on the cross-border Ministerial visit.

UTV News story (15 October 2010) about the island's petition to save the Polling Station.

Irish Times article (11 October 2010) about the Small Ferries Project and the Rathlin ferry.

Irish Times Irishman's Diary (9 October 2010) about Viking influences on language in Ireland, including an interesting reference to Rathlin.

UTV Lesser Spotted Ulster programme (3 October 2010) featuring John McFaul, Tom McDonnell, Loughie McQuilkin, Cathal McCurdy, Brian Teggart, Fergus McFaul, Mary O'Driscoil, Liz Withers and Noel McCurdy, as well as Rosemary McConkey from the University of Ulster and Liam Campbell (available until Wednesday 3 November 2010).

Donegal Democrat article (30 September 2010) about the Small Ferries Project and a proposed new car ferry for Rathlin.

Ballymoney Times article (29 September 2010) about Bertie Currie and Peter McCurdy selling the pub.

BBC One Show video (27 September 2010) about diving with conger eels off Rathlin with Miranda Krestovnikoff (available until Monday 4 October 2010).

UTV Lesser Spotted Ulster programme (26 September 2010) featuring Liam McFaul, Peggy McFaul, Benji McFaul, Julie-Ann McMullan and Wes Forsythe of UU (available until Tuesday 26 October 2010).

BBC Radio Ulster documentary (30 August 2010) about the Black Family's links with the island (available until Monday 6 September 2010).

Belfast Telegraph (via California Chronicle) feature (29 August 2010) about the Radio Ulster documentary on the Black Family and Rathlin.

Belfast Telegraph article (28 July 2010) about the sighting of a group of Atlantic white-sided dolphins off the island.

Belfast Telegraph article (22 July 2010) about the sighting of a humpback whale off the West Light.

Belfast Telegraph travel feature (15 March 2010) about cycling on Rathlin.

BBC Newsline video (8 March 2010) report on the Shackleton 80th anniverary event.

Belfast Telegraph feature (26 February 2010) on bird watching, including the recollections of Brendan McMahon who worked on the monitoring of the bird population at the RSPB Seabird Centre last year.

UTV Hidden Heritage video (22 February 2010) featuring the role of smuggling in Rathlin's past (available until 24 March 2010).


RTÉ Ryan Tubridy Show audio (18 November 2009) feature about life on Irish islands, featuring Rathlin, Inis Meáin and Inishturk, with Marianne Green representing Rathlin. The islands item starts at 22 minutes 30 seconds into the programme.

Il Reporter travel feature (23 October 2009) (in Italian), with separate photo gallery.

University of Ulster media release (9 October 2009) about archeological finds on Rathlin.

iStockAnalyst article (22 September 2009) about renewable energy in Northern Ireland, including tidal power from the waters surrounding Rathlin.

Ballymoney Times article (16 September 2009) on the official launch of the MV Rathlin Express.

San Francisco Chronicle letter to the editor (15 September 2009) about Francis Drake and the massacre on Rathlin.

UTV News report (9 September 2009) on the official launch of the MV Rathlin Express.

Irish Times article (29 August 2009) on archeology, including Rathlin pottery.

Belfast News Letter reprint (12 August 2009) of 1897 report of a wedding on Rathlin.

BBC Newsline video (27 July 2009) report on the Irish Islands Federation meeting on Inis Oirr, including a delegation from Rathlin.

Ballycastle Chronicle report (23 July 2009) on the first public sailing of the MV Rathlin Express.

Belfast Telegraph article (20 July 2009) on the first public sailing of the MV Rathlin Express.

Guardian travel feature (18 July 2009).

Ghost Hunters International video, part 1 & part 2 (15 July 2009) 'Skeletons in the Closet', an investigation into ghosts in the Manor House (Rathlin section starts 39 seconds into part 1).

BBC News report (9 July 2009) on the official opening of the RSPB's Roonivoolin walk.

Irish Times report (7 July 2009) on the official opening of the RSPB's Roonivoolin walk.

Belfast Telegraph report (6 July 2009) on the official opening of the RSPB's Roonivoolin walk.

Belfast Telegraph report (10 June 2009) on the official opening of the Resource Centre.

Belfast News Letter article (1 June 2009) on its 1901 reporting of the installation of wireless telegraphy on the island.

Ballymoney Times report (29 April 2009) on the Bishop of Connor's visit to the island.

RTÉ Seascapes audio (17 April 2009) report on the model yacht races on Ushet Lough.

Irish Times reprint (2 February 2009) of a 1910 newspaper report of a sighting of a 'sea serpent' off Rathlin.


RTÉ Six-One News video (23 December 2008) report on Christmas on Rathlin.

RTÉ Morning Ireland audio (23 December 2008) report on Christmas on Rathlin.

Sunday Mail (Scotland) article (19 October 2008) on photographer Andy McInroy's work on the caves of Rathlin.

BIG Lottery Fund media release (10 September 2008) about the securing of a Lottery grant by the RDCA to fund community development projects.

BBC News report (30 July 2008) on the results of the seabed survey of the waters surrounding the island (includes a link to survey video).

Culture Northern Ireland article (14 July 2008) about the archaeology of the island by Rathlin resident Jonathan Mitchell.

Northern Ireland Housing Executive report (3 July 2008) on the official opening of the Richard Branson Centre. article (27 June 2008) on the official opening of the electricity link to the national grid for the island.

BBC Newsline video (21 May 2008) report on the RSPB Seabird Centre, featuring Liam & Alison McFaul.

Organic Matters feature (2008) on Richard Green's organic farm.


Belfast Telegraph account (17 October 2007) by Kenny Boyd of his swim earlier that month from Rathlin to Ballycastle.

Belfast Telegraph article (15 October 2007) on the start of the seabed survey work around Rathlin as part of the Joint Irish Bathymetric Survey Project.

BBC News report (4 October 2007) on Kenny Boyd's swim from Rathlin to Ballycastle.

Belfast News Letter article (24 September 2007) on its 1970 report on life on Rathlin.

BBC News report (14 August 2007) on Ciaran McGinn's swim from Rathlin to Ballycastle.

BBC News article (4 June 2007) on the Robert the Bruce festival.

BBC News story (1 June 2007) on the opening of the new combined Coastguard/Fire Service emergency centre on the island. travel feature (13 March 2007) on the island.

BBC News article (16 January 2007) on World Wildlife Fund report on Rathlin's need for environmental protection.

BBC Nature's Calendar page (2007) on the island's wildlife.


RTÉ Nationwide video (3 November 2006) featuring Frances Black talking about her relationship with the island.

Scotsman article (21 March 2006) about Robert the Bruce and Rathlin.

BBC News story (20 March 2006) about Robert the Bruce's descendant on claims about Bruce's links with Rathlin.

BBC News report (2 February 2006) on the discovery of a Bronze Age burial site on the island.


BBC News article (28 February 2005) about the provision of an extra ferry run to allow both a hen party and the Church of Ireland minister visit the island.


BBC News report (2 October 2004) about the 2005 island calendar with just 362 days.

RTÉ Morning Ireland audio (3 August 2004) report on the RSPB's Seabird Centre.

BBC News item (2 August 2004) about the RSPB's Seabird Centre.

BBC News item (20 June 2004) about a kayaker's journey from Rathlin to Kintyre.

BBC News report (18 June 2004) on a BIG Lottery grant for sports facilities for the island children.


BBC News report (29 October 2003) on the visit of a team of researchers working on the Countryside Exchange project.

RTÉ Nationwide video (5 September 2003) about the restoration of St. Thomas' Church.

BBC News report (19 February 2003) on the provision of piped water for seventeen Rathlin properties.


BBC News story (18 September 2002) about the lack of crime on the island.


BBC News report (16 October 2001) on the provision of free ferry travel for the island's senior citizens.

Conservation Volunteers Northern Ireland article (10 June 2001) about dry stone walling volunteers working on the Camping Barn wall.


RTÉ Nationwide video (18 September 2000) featuring the RSPB Seabird Centre and model yacht racing on Ushet.

BBC News report (10 April 2000) on fears of declining population on the island.

BBC Northern Ireland Schools video (early 2000's) featuring the West and East lighthouses, and a video focusing on the island's ecosystem.


New York Times story (15 October 1992) about the beginning of the wind turbine electricity service.


New York Times report (4 July 1987) on Richard Branson's balloon crash north of the island.

Wilmington Morning Star (North Carolina, USA) report (7 October 1980) about a wedding party stranded on the island by bad weather.


Argus (Melbourne, Australia) report (30 July 1930) of a test flight of the R101 airship over the island. The R101 crashed with 48 fatalities in October 1930.


New York Times article (8 February 1918) on the sinking of the SS Tuscania 'north of Rathlyn'.

Argus (Melbourne, Australia) report (6 October 1917) of the sinking of HMS Drake off Rathlin.


New Zealand Tablet report (4 February 1909) on the audience of Rathlin priest Rev. E.V. MacGowan with Pope Pius X in the Vatican.


Brisbane Courier (Australia) article (30 December 1898) about Marconi's groundbreaking wireless transmissions from the island.

Poverty Bay Herald (New Zealand) report (1 October 1898) of the death of Edward Glanville while working for Marconi on Rathlin.

New York Times report (1 July 1885) of the sinking of the SS Colina off Rathlin.

Living Age (New York) article (11 August 1860) about a shipwrecked passenger sailing from the island.

Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle report (30 October 1858) of a talk in Dublin on steam baths, including reference to the 'native Irish sweating house' of Rathlin.

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