Rathlin Ramble

Event date: 
Sunday, August 18, 2013 - 12:00 - 15:00


Join RSPB reserve warden Liam McFaul on a series of fascinating walks to Roonivoolin. This beautiful, unspoilt landscape has many stories to tell and loads to see!

All walks depart from the Manor House (at the harbour) at noon, and last for three hours.

Sat 27th July
Sun 28th July
Sun 18th August
Sun 25th August

Admission: £5/£3 for RSPB members.
Children under 14 go free.
Booking is essential.
Please call Janice at RSPB Northern Ireland on 028 9049 1547.

More info here.

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Registered with the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC100375