Rathlin Sound Maritime Festival - Rathlin Events Wednesday 29th May

Event date: 
Wednesday, May 29, 2013 (All day)



Rathlin Events Wednesday 29th May

Currach Building - 10.00-4.00, Richard Branson Centre, official opening 2.00 by Jonathan Shackleton

Model Yacht Display - 10.00-4.00, Marquee

Country Market - 11.00-4.00, Marquee

Shipwrecks Exhibition - 1.00-4.00, Parochial Hall

East Lighthouse Open Day - 1.00-4.00

Art Exhibition - "Door To A View", 2.00-5.30, No. 6 Church Bay

Talk - Dr Marcus Colchester, "South East Asia Shrimp Fishing: Conservation Versus Livelihoods", 8.00, with lobster and crab tasters, McCuaig's Bar

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