Cold Water Islands Project

Thursday 7 March 2019

Rathlin has joined with nine other islands to form part of the Cold Water Islands Project, run by leading marine conservation organisations Surfers Against Sewage and Parley For The Oceans.


The project aims to tackle marine plastic pollution on islands by implementing innovative, community-based solutions. Part of this approach is to use the “AIR Strategy”: Avoid, Intercept, Redesign, and the programme connects island communities across a broad geographic spread, from Shetland to the Channel Islands. The project aims to demonstrate how these islands can provide a template for action for transitioning to a plastic-free future on global scale.


Rathlin residents are looking to play their part, and an initial meeting was held on Wednesday 6th March to investigate ways the island community can contribute to reducing single-use plastics on the island, and to making Rathlin as plastic free as possible in the future. Please contact the Resource Centre for more information or to get involved, and keep an eye out for initiatives under this banner in the coming months.

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