Community Group Training

Wednesday 17 February 2010

Moyle District Council has announced a programme of free training for members of community groups.

The training is aimed at five key areas that were identified as part of a survey of community and voluntary groups in the Moyle area. The five areas are:
- Emergency First Aid (Saturday 20th March, 9.30-4.30)
- Child Protection (Tuesdays 11th, 18th & 25th May, 7.00-10.00)
- Fundraising (Tuesday 23rd March, 7.30-9.30)
- Applying for Funding (Tuesday 30th March, 7.30-9.30)
- Managing Finances (Tuesday 16th March, 7.00-9.00)
All the training will take place in Sheskburn House in Ballycastle. Anyone interested in attending must book by Friday 5th March. Please contact the Resource Centre for further information.

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