Donations in Memory of Sonia Soo Hoo

Thursday 15th October 2020

Ciara, Michael C, Michael B, Marina 18.08.20_0.jpg
Ciara Black; Michael Cecil, Chair of the RDCA; Michael Black; and Marina McMullan, Secretary of the RDCA, pictured on Rathlin in August of this year.

On the first anniversary of her passing, today the RDCA Committee wishes to acknowledge and appreciate the great generosity of Sonia Soo Hoo’s family and friends who donated over £1,200 in her memory for the support and use of Rathlin Island’s senior citizens.

On her passing, Sonia’s family decided that they would like for donations, in lieu of flowers, to be made for the support of Rathlin's older residents. It was noted at the time that Sonia "always wanted to give back to the island and was particularly fond of hearing stories from the elders on the island as they are the ones who keep keep the culture and the historical stories of the Island alive". These donations will help reflect and support that connection, that is of course also being continued by Sonia's husband Michael Black and their daughters, Ciara, Maeve and Catriona.

This gift would have been gratefully received at any time, but with this year's Covid-19 lockdowns and social distancing restrictions, more organised social support for Rathlin's senior citizens has been curtailed, which will give added impact to these donations in Sonia's memory, going into this winter and beyond on the island.

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© 2009-2025 Rathlin Development and Community Association
Registered with HMRC as a Charity for Tax Purposes
Registered with the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC100375