Ferry Service Update

Friday 20th January 2023

Due to circumstances beyond anyone's control, it has not been possible, within the given timeframe, to secure the services of an alternative vehicle ferry. However, an engineer's inspection of the Spirit of Rathlin has been completed and essential works on the boat will happen early next week.

Subject to a successful recruitment process, an MCA inspection is also expected early next week, allowing the Spirit of Rathlin to return to full service as soon as possible.

Given the urgency of resolving the related issues of ferry staff and crew employment, and the reestablishment of a full ferry service, we understand the need to keep everyone as informed as possible. Please be reassured that, even in an apparent silence, much work continues in the background to achieve a return to a quality service. The situation is constantly developing through each day. Therefore, in the interests of accuracy, we are only passing on information we believe to be confirmed by all parties. We will endeavour to do this as soon and as often as it becomes available.

Meanwhile, Charles and Dawn wish to express their gratitude to islanders for their understanding through the many complexities of this process.

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