Irish Lights Statement on Engineering Upgrade Works at Rathlin Island Lighthouses 2021
Monday 24th May 2021
The Commissioners of Irish Lights has issued the following statement on the programme of engineering works on Rathlin's lighthouses.
"As part of Irish Lights’ remit to ensure aids to navigation meet international safety standards, and to improve energy efficiency and the environmental footprint at its sites, engineering upgrade works are required at Rathlin East Lighthouse, Rathlin West Lighthouse and Rue Point Lighthouse. Works will begin in May 2021 until December 2021.
As functioning aids to navigation are vital for marine safety, it is essential that the light source at each site
remains operational at all times. To this end, during the period of the works, a temporary flashing light known as a standby light will be in operation at both Rathlin East and Rathlin West lighthouses. The temporary lights will have the same characters as their current lights, but their ranges will reduce to 18NM in accordance with published Notice to Mariners No.s 4 of 2021 and 5 of 2021 respectively. The rotating lens will be reinstated to operational use upon the completion of the engineering works.
Irish Lights has received Listed Building Consent to proceed with the works from Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council. Further details of project works is available on Irish Lights’ website, Rathlin Island Work Programme Factsheet and in the following Notices to Mariners – Rathlin East Lighthouse and Rathlin West Lighthouse.
Proposed timeline for Works
The programme below gives an overview of the planned works over the coming months. Irish Lights’ teams
will be supported from time to time by specialist contractors.
24th May 2021: Temporary lights at Rathlin East and Rathlin West lighthouses will come into operation
May/June 2021: Advance works at Rathlin West and Rathlin East lighthouses
June to October 2021: Works at Rathlin East Lighthouse
June to August 2021: Works at Rue Point Lighthouse
September to December 2021: Works at Rathlin West Lighthouse. Work is scheduled to avoid any impact
on the bird nesting season and tourist season.
The rotating lenses at Rathlin East and Rathlin West lighthouses will be reinstated to operational use before
the end of 2021.
Irish Lights Covid-19 Health and Safety Guidelines
Irish Lights, its employees and its contractors are committed to taking every necessary precaution to operate
within strict health and safety guidelines in relation to Covid-19. Irish Lights will monitor public guidelines
and may adjust its programme for the works based on public health guidance.
The three lighthouses on Rathlin Island are sites of great heritage and cultural significance, as well as serving
as current functioning aids to navigation used by mariners. They are important landmarks for both the
community that surrounds them and the mariner that relies upon them for safe passage. The planned
engineering works will safeguard the unique heritage and historical character of these sites while meeting
modern health and safety standards.
If you require further information on this project, please contact"