Irish Lights Works Meeting

Wednesday 24 July 2019


Representatives of the Commissioners of Irish Lights met with members of the Rathlin community yesterday evening in the Parochial Hall to outline the proposed programme of works on the island's three lighthouses, due to take place in 2021.

Crucially, the historic lenses and rotating beams will be retained at both the West and East lights on the island, and "the work will improve energy efficiency and the environmental footprint at these important heritage sites" by replacing the old style filament bulbs with LEDs and removing the diesel generators. The works at the East and the Rue are scheduled to take place over summer 2021, with the work at the West to follow afterwards.

More detail is included in an information leaflet available here, and hard copies are also available in the Resource Centre.

Many thanks to the four members of CIL staff; Robert, Eoin, Dave and Jane who came up to Rathlin to meet with the community and to keep us informed, and to all those Rathlin residents who took the time to come out to listen and talk. We expect to recieve more updates from the CIL team as time goes on which we will pass on in the usual ways.

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