LIFE Raft Job Opportunities

Monday 3rd October 2022


The LIFE Raft project has advertised for a number of roles. There are two part-time Socioeconomic Development Project Assistants and a part-time Community Engagement Junior Specialist. The deadline for applications for all three roles is 23:59, Wednesday 19th October 2022.

The LIFE Raft project’s aim is to safeguard the island’s wildlife by eradicating both the ferret and rat populations from the island, whilst embedding sound biosecurity measures to prevent their return. The project will strengthen existing local pride in, and stewardship of, Rathlin's natural heritage and create significant socioeconomic opportunities for a sustainable future. Success will require a multi-disciplinary approach covering technical operations, community engagement and collaborative working across the project partnership and with key external stakeholders

The project has been made possible with funding from EU LIFE; National Lottery Heritage Fund; and the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, (with contributions from RSPB NI, Rathlin Development and Community Association (RDCA) and support from the Causeway Coast and Glens Heritage Trust and Causeway Coast and Glen Borough Council).

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