A Message of Thanks from Margaret, John and Jennifer

Monday 7 January 2019

Following the very sad passing of Sadie McFaul, her family have put forward the following message.

Sadie McFaul (nee McQuilkin) RIP

Margaret, John and Jennifer wish to express their sincere gratitude to all who sympathised with them and provided support at the time of Sadie’s death. Heartfelt thanks to our friends and fellow islanders who came together to help, to those who travelled to attend the wake and funeral, sent Mass cards, sympathy cards, letters and telephoned.

A special word of thanks to Fr Brian Daly, Fr Barney McCahery and Fr Hugh Kane for their attention and prayers throughout Christmas week. Thanks also to all who contributed to making Sadie's funeral so memorable and especially Pat Black and Ciaran Dempsey for providing the music. We also much appreciated the contribution of the choir.

We wish to express our appreciation to all the healthcare professionals and carers for their expertise, and compassion. Thanks also to the coastguard and the crew of the coastguard helicopter, PJ Dallat and Sons for the funeral arrangements, Francis at Impact Printing, the grave diggers, Rathlin Island Ferry Company for the transportation of the mourners and McCuaig's Bar for refreshments after the funeral.

Sadie's Month's Mind Mass will be celebrated on Sunday 20th January at 12 noon on Rathlin

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