NIW Works Disruption

Tuesday 24 September 2019

NI Water have informed the RDCA of work taking place at the borehole site on Rathlin as part of NI Water upgrades to the water supply on the island.

“We wanted to let you know of the work which is proposed for this week which may cause some disruption to the island. Part of this work involves the construction of a new main, which runs along the road from the borehole site to the area in front of the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
The Contractor is mobilising the drilling rig and associated plant to Rathlin tomorrow (Tuesday). They propose to start drilling late tomorrow afternoon with the view to completing the drilling works by Friday afternoon.
As it is very likely that they will not be able to drill the full length of the main, such sections will have to be complete by open cut following the drilling.
We will work to try to minimise the disruption as far as practically possible.”

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