Radon Gas Warning

Thursday 3 December 2009

According to a report in this week's Ballymoney Times, "potentially dangerous" levels of radon gas have been detected in the "western half of Rathlin Island".

The article stated that "a naturally occurring gas, radon is formed as a result of the radioactive decay of uranium and is present in all rocks and soils. NIEA published a report last week into the level of radon and the first probability map which highlights areas where levels are raised. It identified 1,200 homes in areas in Northern Ireland where levels are above the Action Level."

"The NIEA report confirms that for the majority of the country's population radon levels in homes are generally low and not a cause for concern. It also found the probability of high radon concentrations was low in most of the north and north-east of Northern Ireland with the exception of a moderate risk between Ballycastle and Ballintoy."

Any residents who are concerned are advised to contact the Health Protection Agency on 01235 822622.

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