Rathlin Broadband Upgrade

Wednesday 10 July 2013

BT has announced that a new experimental 'wireless to the cabinet' broadband system will be trialled on the island.

The new system, which will be a first for anywhere in the UK or Ireland, is expected to provide speeds of up to 80Mbps, far in excess of current broadband speeds on the island.

The system will operate by deploying a newly developed radio solution linking the Ballycastle exchange on the mainland with the Rathlin island exchange. This is then integrated into the next generation high-speed fibre broadband architecture which provides a ‘fibre-like’ capacity directly to a street cabinet on Rathlin.

This system will be trialled for six months with a number of households and businesses on the island, and if successful, the system will be rolled out to the majority of premises on the island.

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