Rathlin Nominated for Dementia Friendly Community of the Year 2017

Wednesday 20 December 2017

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Marina McMullan, Shauna Cecil, Margaret McQuilkin and Aoife McMaster, the Alzheimer's Society Dementia Support Worker for the Causeway area.

As part of the process of Rathlin hopefully becoming a dementia-friendly community, the island was shortlisted as one of the finalists for the award of Dementia Friendly Community of the Year for 2017. At an event in Belfast in November, Marina McMullan, Shauna Cecil and Margaret McQuilkin were able to represent the island community, and the work that has already been done to secure dementia-friendly status. Sixty people on or connected to Rathlin have taken the initial dementia training required, and we hope this work will be further developed in the new year. While Rathlin was ultimately pipped at the post for this award, many congratulations are deserved for all the hard work done in this area in particular by the Floating Support team of Margaret and Shauna.

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