Rathlin Receives Housing Executive Award

Thursday 28 November 2019

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Rathlin recently received the Community Spirit Award 2019 in the Small Village category (for places with populations of less than 1,000) from the Housing Executive. The award aims to focus on and reward those communities that work together to make their village or small settlement a better place to live, with a particular emphasis on community work that has improved the quality of life of residents such as the elderly and young people.

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RDCA Committee members Patricia McCurdy, Marina McMullan and Marianne Green were able to attend the award ceremony in Loughguile on the 22nd November. An award of £1,000 was made to the RDCA which will be used to further support and extend activities and projects of benefit to the Rathlin community. The RDCA would like to extend its gratitude to the Housing Executive for this recognition and support and we look forward to continuing our work together.

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© 2009-2025 Rathlin Development and Community Association
Registered with HMRC as a Charity for Tax Purposes
Registered with the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC100375