Shackleton Rescue 80th Anniversary Celebration

Monday 1 March 2010

The Shackleton 80th anniversary celebration event held in the hall on Saturday was a great success with over sixty people attending.

The packed hall listened to Douglas Cecil set the scene, and introduce the other speakers. Loughie McQuilkin gave a very evocative account of his childhood memories of the night the Shackleton ran aground. Eoin, Ryan and Orla recited poetry, Gordon Munro, representing the Coastguard, spoke about the continuing tradition of voluntary search and rescue on the island, and Cllr Cara McShane, Chairperson of Moyle District Council remarked on the sense of community evident on the island, and in the event itself. The crew of the RNLI Red Bay Lifeboat also took the trouble to cross over for the event. Ian Wilson, author of 'Shipwrecks of the Ulster Coast' was unfortunately unable to attend. The attendance enjoyed the artwork of the schoolchildren, including a papier mâché model of the East Light, as well as the exhibition of photographs, documents and artefacts relating to the rescue of the Shackleton eighty years ago today. The exhibits will be in the Resource Centre shortly if anyone would like to see them, or look at them again. It is also hoped to exhibit the material in Ballycastle. There is a new gallery on the website featuring photos of the event.

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