Threatened Closure of Dalriada Hospital

Friday 7 November 2014

As island residents will know, the Dalriada Hospital in Ballycastle has been earmarked by the Northern Health and Social Care Trust for "temporary" closure by the end of this month. The RDCA Committee is lending its full support to the campaign to reverse this decision. We are inviting Rathlin residents to join the protest outside the hospital on Wednesday 12th November between 12.45 and 1.30 (or longer if you prefer!) Those on Facebook may be aware that the community campaign against the hospital closure has its own group "Save the Dal", which keeps people up to date with a host of information and actions. There is also an online petition to the Minister here, or for those who prefer, there are hard copies of a petition in the shop, post office and the ferry office in Ballycastle as well as dozens of locations across the Moyle area.

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Registered with the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC100375