Vote for Rathlin's Participatory Budgeting Bid!

Tuesday 30th November 2021

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There is a Rathlin bid now open for voting for in a Participatory Budgeting initiative run by Collaboration for Change. The bids come from a wide range of organisations and communities across the north, with the Rathlin bid centering on a bell ringing project.

"Our project will bring a team of hand-bell ringers to Rathlin Island for a two-day residential visit. The team will give bellringing performances and lead intergenerational workshops for residents. It will create opportunities for some of Rathlin’s older residents to reconnect with each other and with some of our younger residents, especially after the COVID pandemic which has increased isolation. The opportunity this project will give to host the bell ringers on the island and share Rathlin’s hospitality and heritage will strengthen the pride and self-respect of the residents and help restore the confidence that has been so badly damaged through the restrictions of the pandemic."

The list of bids, and voting page is here, and an FAQ about the voting process is here. Get voting and support the Rathlin bid!

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