Buoy found in Rathlin Sound

Tuesday 17 August 2010

There was a remarkable find in Rathlin Sound on Sunday last when the crew of the Rathlin Express came across a barnacle-encrusted buoy. The crew of Douglas Cecil, Richard and Marianne Green were surprised to find that the buoy's registration number was not local, but were even more surprised when Douglas went online to find out more.

The bouy, which had the vessel name of 'Rug Rats' written on it, turns out to hail from the port of Chatham, Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Douglas found out that the Rug Rats is a fishing vessel, involved in gill netting on the George's Bank in the North Atlantic. Douglas has emailed the skipper to let him know where his buoy has ended up, and we hope to hear more about this amazing story soon.

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