
Christmas & New Year's Ferry Timetable

Monday 18 December 2017

Rathlin Island Ferry Ltd has announced the following timetable arrangements for the Christmas and New Year's holiday period.

Ferry xmas timetable 2017-18 crop_0.jpg

Farewell to the Canna & Welcome to the Spirit of Rathlin

Wednesday 14 June 2017

The crew and passengers for the Canna's final trip to Rathlin. Photo by Leann Murdock

Ferry Renewal Passes - Urgent Reminder

Thursday 19 March 2015

Outstanding residents’ ferry pass renewal forms (and two proof of residency documents, which must be no more than 3 months old) should be sent to DRD as soon as possible. The current passes expire on 3rd April and will no longer be valid for concessions after that date.

Ferry Pass Renewal Deadline

Tuesday 17 February 2015

A quick reminder to residents that your ferry pass renewal forms must be returned to the DRD by next Monday 23rd February 2015.

Retirement of Richard Green

Wednesday 24 July 2013
richard retire 1_0.jpg

Retirement of Dominic McCurdy

Photo: Tom McDonnell

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Dominic McCurdy finished his last day of work yesterday on the ferry after many years service to the island community, and will retire shortly. Congratulations and enjoy many happy years of your retirement Dominic!

Message from RIFL about MV Canna service

Wednesday 8 August 2012

The RDCA has recived the following notification from Rathlin Island Ferry Ltd:

Notice from Rathlin Island Ferry Ltd about the MV Canna

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Below is a message from Rathlin Island Ferry Ltd regarding the MV Canna:

Increase of Ferry Fares

Tuesday 28 February 2012

The DRD has issued notification of their intention to increase the ferry fares.

The adult fares will increase to £5.80 (single) and £11.60 (return), and children 5-15 will go up to £2.90 (single) and £5.80 (return). The rest of the proposed changes can be seen in the letter reproduced below:

Residents' Passes Renewal

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Please note that all residents’ passes must be renewed with the DRD by Friday 1st April. The DRD has informed us that any residents who do not renew by that date will not be able to get the residents’ discount.

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