Cash for Clobber

Wednesday 30 July 2014

St. Mary's Primary School would like to extend a very heartfelt thank you to the people of Rathlin Island for the very generous support they gave to the school in the collection of clothes etc., in the recycling of all these materials into money for the school year 2013-2014.

Without this help throughout the school year we would not be able to undertake the many educational trips that the children have been able to avail of this year. The children know that without this extra help and support from the island community it would be impossible to go on their outings and they really do appreciate your help.

Last year you helped raise over £700 to the school fund which we say a big THANK YOU for.

We extend our thanks to the people involved in collecting, transporting and storing of the materials, this fundraising could not be done without your commitment and dedication to the task.


St. Mary's Primary School, July 2014

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