
Cash for Clobber

Wednesday 10 October 2018

St Mary's Primary School is again looking to collect old clothes, bed linen and towels to help raise funds for the school.

Cash for Clobber 2018 notice_1_0.jpg

St Mary's Invitation to Rathlin Grandparents

Friday 27 January 2017

As part of Catholic Schools Week, St Mary's Primary School is holding a celebration of being a grandparent. They would like to extend an invitation to all grandparents on Rathlin to come to the school on Wednesday 1st February at 11.30am for a short assembly, followed by a cup of tea with the children.

Launch of Rathlin's Local Biodiversity Action Plan

Friday 20 November 2015

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A large groups of island residents turned up to Bruce's Kitchen on Tuesday afternoon for the official launch of Rathln's Local Biodiversity Action Plan. Both the island's Tuesday Club and the pupils and staff of St Mary's Primary School had been centrally involved in the formation of the Plan, which used the island's twenty two townlands as a way of exploring Rathlin's very special flora and fauna.

Cash for Clobber 2014-2015

Thursday 2 October 2014

St. Mary's Primary School
Cash for Clobber Competition 2014-15

St. Mary's Primary School has once again entered this yearly competition and would like the island community to help us in collecting the following items which you have no use for:

- any clothes, handbags, belts, shoes (must be in pairs)
- old towels
- old sheets, pillowcases, or duvet covers (sorry we can't take the duvets)

The items must be clean and can be put in a black bin bag. if you have any bags for collection, could you please contact Marina McMullan.

Cash for Clobber

Wednesday 30 July 2014

St. Mary's Primary School would like to extend a very heartfelt thank you to the people of Rathlin Island for the very generous support they gave to the school in the collection of clothes etc., in the recycling of all these materials into money for the school year 2013-2014.

Inspection Report on St Mary's Primary School

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Many congratulations to all involved in the running of St Mary's Primary School on the island, which has just received a glowing inspection report from the Education and Training Inspectorate.

The inspection focused on:

• "the children’s achievements and standards in literacy and numeracy, in
particular, how the school is addressing low attainment and underachievement
where applicable;

• the quality of provision in the school; and

• the quality of leadership and management."

Cash for Clobber

Thursday 19 January 2012

A simple and effective way to recycle unwanted clothing (and more) and make some money for the island school...

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