Commission of Public Art at Ballycastle Seafront and Rathlin Island Foreshore

Monday 5 July 2010

Moyle District Council wishes to commission an outstanding artist to design and arrange the production, delivery and installation of two pieces of public art to be located at Ballycastle Seafront and Rathlin Island Foreshore as part of the Causeway Coastal Route Interpretation which aims to market the route as a ‘world class experience’.

Moyle District Council is delighted to be part of this project to share the great significance of Rathlin Island and Ballycastle with the area’s population and visitors to the region and to develop two significant and appropriate pieces of artwork.

This project has been part funded through the Northern Ireland Tourist Board’s Tourist Development Scheme and by the National Lottery through the Arts Council of Northern Ireland.

In August, five shortlisted artists will be invited to prepare concept sketch designs for consideration.

A representative from the Rathlin community has been invited to be on the selection panel and local people will have the opportunity to meet the artist, who will be appointed by autumn 2010, and view concept designs.

For application forms please telephone the Development Office, at Moyle District Council (028) 2076 2225 or email, or write to Development Office, Ballycastle & Rathlin Public Art, Moyle District Council, Sheskburn House, 7 Mary Street, Ballycastle, Co. Antrim, BT54 6QH. Applications must be returned on or before Friday 23rd July 2010 by 3pm.

For any further information regarding this project please contact Elaine Gaston, Arts Officer, Moyle District Council, on 028 207 62225.

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