Farewell to the Canna & Welcome to the Spirit of Rathlin

Wednesday 14 June 2017

The crew and passengers for the Canna's final trip to Rathlin. Photo by Leann Murdock

Yesterday saw the final sailing back to Rathlin of the MV Canna as she came to the end of her twenty years service on the Rathlin - Ballycastle route. The Canna has done great service for the Rathlin Island community, first in the colours of Caledonian MacBrayne, and then Rathlin Island Ferry Ltd.

The Canna on her way back to Rathlin. Photo by Douglas Cecil.

The Canna passes the Spirit of Rathlin as she approaches the slip. Photo by Tom McDonnell.

We would like to thank all the crews, past and present who worked so hard to provide an invaluable and safe service for Rathlin, and of course we hope the Spirit of Rathlin will have a long and happy association with the Island. We also wish the Canna well in her future service elsewhere. Slán abhaile.

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Some of the island community that gathered at the harbour to welcome the Canna home one last time.
Photo by Patricia McCurdy

The children and staff of St Mary's Primary School take the maiden voyage of the Spirit of Rathlin. Photo by Jane McVeigh

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