Gigha wind turbine meeting
Monday 19 September 2011
John Martin, a director from Gigha Renewable Energy Ltd came to Rathlin on Saturday 17th September (complete with kilt in Gigha tartan!) and met with 16 residents to tell the story of the wind turbine project on our neighbouring island.
The evening was very informative, without tangling anyone in technical details and John’s own passion for the project and belief in its value for the Gigha community was inspiring.
It was encouraging to learn how the wind turbine project has benefitted the whole Gigha community and how the involvement and support of residents has been crucial at many levels, not only the technical. Gigha and Rathlin have much in common and John helped strengthen a link that goes back into the days of the historic Dalriada Kingdom. John’s visit may prompt more contact between the two communities, and there will be more news of the way forward for Rathlin’s project soon.