Gort Beag Wins Housing Award


Wednesday 15 June 2016

The Gort Beag social housing scheme on the island has been named the National Champions at the 2016 Green Apple Awards for Ireland for their outstanding contribution to sustainability.

Donoghmore Construction Ltd were the main contractor on the project, which was the first social housing to be built on Rathlin in almost twenty years.

The homes were constructed with enhanced building fabrics and greatly increased air tightness in tandem with Mechanical Ventilation and Heat Recovery technology in recognition of the exposed island location. This was designed to code for Sustainable Homes Level 4, making the homes 44% more energy efficient than the current building regulation standards and more sustainable in the longer term.

Gort Beag has made an invaluable contribution to the island's sustainability, and now the community are again looking to the future and Rathlin's growing population and the impact it is making on our housing needs.

An article about the award is available here (pages 5-7).

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