
Social Housing Public Consultation Drop-In Event

Thursday 18 April 2019

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The Rural Housing Association has announced the start of their public consultation for the proposed scheme of 10 new homes on Rathlin. They are also holding a ‘drop-in’ event in the Richard Branson Centre on Wednesday 15th May 2019, from 2:00pm to 5:00pm.

Gort Beag Wins Housing Award


Wednesday 15 June 2016

The Gort Beag social housing scheme on the island has been named the National Champions at the 2016 Green Apple Awards for Ireland for their outstanding contribution to sustainability.

Donoghmore Construction Ltd were the main contractor on the project, which was the first social housing to be built on Rathlin in almost twenty years.

Award for Gort Beag Houses

Monday 4 November 2013

Congratulations to Donoghmore Construction on receiving the Environmental Sustainability Award as part of the Construction Excellence Awards 2013. The award was in recognition of Donoghmore's construction of the Gort Beag houses on the island.

Official Opening of the Gort Beag Houses

Minister McCausland with the pupils of St Mary's cutting the ribbon
Thursday 10 October 2013

Social Development Minister Nelson McCausland MLA visited the island today to offically open the Gort Beag social housing development.

Minister McCausland speaking at the opening

Gort Beag

Thursday 8 August 2013

Congratulations to all the new tenants of Gort Beag - our new neighbours here in the Resource Centre! Today saw all the paperwork being completed, and the handing over of the keys to the new residents of the ten beautiful new houses.

Launch of New Social Housing Development

Minister Nelson McCausland MLA with RDCA Chair Noel McCurdy

Tuesday 3 April 2012

The Minister for Social Development, Minister Nelson McCausland MLA formally launched Rathlin's new social housing development on Monday 2nd April.

Housing Executive List

Thursday 20 May 2010

If anyone needs to renew their application or fill in a new housing application, please do so as soon as possible as this helps give clear figures of social housing needs on Rathlin. Forms are available in the Resource Centre.

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Registered with the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC100375