Haiti Collection: Thank You

Tuesday 16 February 2010

One of the Habitat for Humanity Northern Ireland team has written to the RDCA to thank all the island residents who contributed to their Haiti Appeal during their visit to the island for the public meeting on Saturday 6th February. Below is the text of the letter:

Haiti Appeal: Thank You

Thank you very much for your urgent gift of £153 in support of our Haiti appeal.

Habitat for Humanity's humanitarian response has begun and your gift will enable us to help quickly and effectively.

Already one of the world's poorest countries, last month's earthquake has left Haiti facing a catastrophe of almost unimaginable scale. Habitat has been serving people in need in Haiti for 26 years and is well equipped to continue to respond to this latest emergency.

Please continue to check www.habitatni.co.uk for regular updates.

Thank you again for your gift which will help build hope and homes in Haiti.

Yours sincerely, Tom O'Dowd, Family and Community Officer.

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