Habitat for Humanity

Haiti Collection: Thank You

Tuesday 16 February 2010

One of the Habitat for Humanity Northern Ireland team has written to the RDCA to thank all the island residents who contributed to their Haiti Appeal during their visit to the island for the public meeting on Saturday 6th February. Below is the text of the letter:

Habitat for Humanity Meeting

Monday 8 February 2010

The public meeting with Habitat for Humanity and the Northern Ireland Housing Executive was very well attended, with seventeen island residents coming to the Richard Branson Centre on Saturday afternoon to get information and to discuss affordable and social housing on Rathlin.

Habitat for Humanity Meeting

Thursday 21 January 2010

The public meeting with Jude McCann and David Blake of Habitat for Humanity will be held in the Richard Branson Centre on Saturday 6th February at 2.00. For further information see the RDCA mailshot that went out this week to island residents.

Habitat for Humanity

Friday 27 November 2009

Following conversations with the Northern Ireland Housing Executive, the RDCA met yesterday with Habitat for Humanity, a cross-community non-profit organisation dedicated to community-based self-build housing programmes.

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