Model Yacht Race

Friday 23 October 2009

Congratulations to Margaret McQuilkin who won the Paddy O'Donnell Cup on Saturday 17 October. Second place went to Noel & Eoin McCurdy, and third place also went to Margaret! This was the last race of the season, so further congratulations to Margaret who won the overall championship, and to Conor McCurdy who won the junior championship.

Thanks to everyone who took part and attended over the course of the season, and especially to Marina McMullan for all her hard work organising the races. Also, many thanks to Liz Withers and everyone who helped for all their work on the delicious post-race barbeques. Everyone is looking forward to the start of the new season next Easter, and hopefully to seeing some more newly-built boats taking part. The website will be featuring the model races closely over the course of the next season.

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