Model Yacht Races

Model Yacht Races Schedule

Monday 10 June 2013

At a meeting earlier this evening of people involved in the model yacht races, a couple of ideas were agreed on ways to finish last year's season (the victim of many postponements due to weather conditions), and on how to spread the races in a way that would allow as many racers as possible to commit the time and effort needed to continue this vital Rathlin tradition.

The two outstanding races from last year will now be held (weather permitting!) over next Saturday and Sunday evenings:

Guesthouse Shield, 6.00 Saturday 15 June

Kinramer Trophy Model Yacht Race

Wednesday 18 July 2012

There was an excellent turnout for the Kinramer Trophy model yacht race on Sunday. Held on the last day of Festival Week, the weather was beautiful and the breeze was good and strong for a proper race. Seven boats entered the race.

Manor House Cup Model Yacht Race

Monday 9 July 2012

The curse of calm weather continued on Sunday with the Manor House Cup being postponed. This time however, the race was only postponed to that evening, when the wind was forecast to pick up.

Coleraine Cup Model Yacht Race

Wednesday 6 June 2012

After being postponed for a week because of very calm weather, the Coleraine Cup was held last Sunday evening. The weather was fine, with just enough of a breeze to race, and five boats were entered.

Marconi Shield Model Yacht Race

The four racers: Fergus, Stephen, Brian and Connor

Tuesday 8 May 2012

There was beautiful weather, but a smaller than usual turnout for the Marconi Shield, held last Sunday 6 May.

Alley Cup, Easter Sunday 2012

Marina McMullan presents first prize to Fergus McFaul & Tania Calvert

Tuesday 10 April 2012

There was another very good turnout of competitors and spectators for the first race of the 2012 season proper, the Alley Cup on Easter Sunday.

Paddy O'Donnell Cup & the 2011 Championship

Tuesday 20 March 2012

There were seven boats in the Paddy O'Donnell Cup held last Saturday. The race had been held over from 2011 due to repeated bad weather, and on the suggestion of Loughie McQuilkin it was held on St Patrick's Day, the traditional first racing date of the season. The conditions were nearly calm, but with some awkward changes of wind direction.

Lesser Spotted Ulster, Part 2

Monday 4 October 2010,/i>

Congratulations to everyone involved in the making of the second 'Lesser Spotted Ulster' programme featuring Rathlin.

Guesthouse Shield Model Yacht Race

Monday 23 August 2010

The postponed Guesthouse Shield model yacht race was run on Friday evening in breezy conditions, and with an unexpected twist.

Postponement of Model Yacht Race

Monday 16 August 2010

The Guesthouse Shield model yacht race has been postponed to Friday 20th August at 7.00 due to lack of wind yesterday evening.

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