Model Yacht Races Schedule

Monday 10 June 2013

At a meeting earlier this evening of people involved in the model yacht races, a couple of ideas were agreed on ways to finish last year's season (the victim of many postponements due to weather conditions), and on how to spread the races in a way that would allow as many racers as possible to commit the time and effort needed to continue this vital Rathlin tradition.

The two outstanding races from last year will now be held (weather permitting!) over next Saturday and Sunday evenings:

Guesthouse Shield, 6.00 Saturday 15 June
Paddy O'Donnell Cup, 6.00 Sunday 16 June.

The 2012 championship is between Fergus McFaul and Brian Teggart - come along and see who claims the season's trophy!

The other main decision was to spread the championship over two summers, to make the race schedule as do-able as possible for as many people as possible. Most racers are working most days and long hours over the summer, and the traditional timing of Sunday afternoons, with seven races over the summer was proving too hard for everybody to meet.

So, this summer's races of the new-style 2013/2014 championship will be:

Alley Cup, 2.00 Sunday 7 July
Marconi Shield, 2.00 Sunday 14 July
Coleraine Cup, 6.00 Sunday 18 August

The two July races are on Sunday afternoons, as part of the long-established tradition of festival week, with other races held in the early evening. It is hoped that this mix will enable and encourage as many island residents and visitors as possible to enjoy these great sporting and social occasions. Everybody involved in the races is looking forward to continuing this important island tradition, so come along and enjoy, or even compete - we're always looking for new racers!

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