Paddy O'Donnell Cup & the 2011 Championship

Tuesday 20 March 2012

There were seven boats in the Paddy O'Donnell Cup held last Saturday. The race had been held over from 2011 due to repeated bad weather, and on the suggestion of Loughie McQuilkin it was held on St Patrick's Day, the traditional first racing date of the season. The conditions were nearly calm, but with some awkward changes of wind direction.

Many congratulations to Fergus McFaul who won the 2011 Championship, which was only awarded after the completion of this outstanding race. Fergus could not be caught before this race, which was just as well for him, as it was won by Brian Teggart!

Second was Douglas Cecil,

and Sean McFaul, who raced Loughie McQuilkin's boat at the last minute, came third.

Congratulations to them all, and many thanks as ever to Marina McMullan for all her hard work in organising the races. Thanks also to everyone who competed, and turned out to watch, and helped in any way. The race turned out to be a very good taster for the 2012 season proper, and also was a popular choice for a racing date - maybe this could become a regular part of the model yacht racing calendar?

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