'The Pipe' Screening

Monday 13 December 2010

Thirty five island residents came to the Hall on Saturday evening to attend a special screening of the award-winning and critically acclaimed new documentary film 'The Pipe'.

The film was very enlightening and also raised very serious and pertinent questions about the behaviour of Shell, and the Irish government and about their impact on the Rossport community.

There was a very useful discussion afterwards in which several very helpful suggestions were made about how the Rathlin community might proceed from this point.

The RDCA will be making a submission to DETI this week, and members of the community are encouraged to make their own submissions by Friday 17th December to:
Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment
Minerals and Petroleum Branch
Colby House
Stranmillis Court
Belfast BT9 5BF

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© 2009-2024 Rathlin Development and Community Association
Registered with HMRC as a Charity for Tax Purposes
Registered with the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC100375