Powerboat Training Opportunities

Friday 8 January 2016

We have the opportunity for further powerboat training for Rathlin residents with Charles Stewart of Red Bay Powerboating. This can be for beginners (Level 2 for adults, Level 1 for young people) or for people who have already successfully completed powerboat training before or have similar professional experience or qualifications (Intermediate and possibly Advanced - see Red Bay website for more information on the training levels).

These courses need to be held as soon as we possibly can, so anyone on the island who is interested should contact the Resource Centre immediately, letting us know what level they are interested in, and what their availability is. This training is heavily subsidised by the BIG Lottery, and the trainees' financial contribution (which will depend on the level of training, but should be in the range of £30-£60) will be paid in advance.

The scheduling of the training will depend on the availabilty of the trainer, weather conditions, and the ability to put together groups of three people for each possible level of training.

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