
Welding Training Arrangements

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Due to the weather today, the welding training course will start tomorrow at 12.00 instead of 9.00. Thursday's training will proceed as planned, weather permitting.

Welding Training

Monday 11 January 2016

We have a limited number of places available for Rathlin residents for a welding training course. The one day course will be held over Wednesday 27th and Thursday 28th January (trainees will use one or other of the two days). Cost is £30, and the course will take place on the island, venue to be confirmed. Please contact the Resource Centre as soon as possible to book your place.

Powerboat Training Opportunities

Friday 8 January 2016

We have the opportunity for further powerboat training for Rathlin residents with Charles Stewart of Red Bay Powerboating. This can be for beginners (Level 2 for adults, Level 1 for young people) or for people who have already successfully completed powerboat training before or have similar professional experience or qualifications (Intermediate and possibly Advanced - see Red Bay website for more information on the training levels).

First Aid Training

Thursday 29 January 2015

The first aid training course held last Tuesday in the Parochial Hall was very successful. Organised with Bisp Training, the course covered all the basics of first aid, but with a particular emphasis on paediatric first aid - courtesy of last year's baby boom! Many thanks to Ian Harkness of Bisp Training, for giving the course, and to Janice Bisp for her help with organising it. First aid skills are recognised by all Rathlin residents as being something that is particularly important for an island community, and you can't have too many people on the island who are qualified.

Volunteer and Training Celebration

Photo: Orlagh Cecil
Thursday 17 April 2014

There was a huge pile of various types of certificates to give out to Rathlin residents on Monday afternoon, when there was an event organised to recognise the many and varied ways in which members of the island community contribute to island life and further their own qualifications and experience.

Appreciative Inquiry Training on Rathlin

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Friday 17 January 2014

A group of Rathlin residents attended the ‘Appreciative Inquiry’ training held on the island on Monday and Tuesday of this week. In total, fourteen people participated in the training, with nine residents being able to commit a lot of their time to complete the workshops.

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Rathlin: A Future Vision

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Rathlin: A Future Vision?

Rathlin residents are invited to participate in workshops that will equip people to embark on a different approach to creating a future vision and plan for the island.

NICVA Awards in Leadership and Management

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Friday 29 November 2013

Congratulations to David Quinney Mee and Michael Cecil (pictured above with Roisin Kelly of NICVA, second from right) and Tom McDonnell, Imelda McFaul, Patsy Harbinson and Mary Jo McQuilkin on receiving the NICVA Award in Leadership and Management this week.

Powerboat Training

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Clyde Grobler, Fergus McFaul, Michael Cecil (Photo by Charles Stewart)
Friday 29 November 2013

Congratulations to Clyde, Fergus and Michael on completing the Advanced Powerboating course this week with Charles Stewart of Red Bay Powerboating. The powerboat training courses have been highly popular and successful, and we plan to continue with more training over the coming months.

Powerboat Training

Brian, Stephen and Julie during the powerboat training
Monday 4 November 2013

There was another highly popular round of powerboat training on the island over the weekend, with three island residents completing the RYA Level 2 Certificate.

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Registered with HMRC as a Charity for Tax Purposes
Registered with the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC100375