RDCA Constitution Meeting

Thursday 20 May 2010

Last night's meeting on the proposed new constitution and charitable status for the RDCA was well attended, with twenty four residents taking the time to discuss the draft constitution.

There was an engaged debate, lead ably by Phil Nicholls, the RDCA's constitution advisor. A number of issues were highlighted by the meeting, and the revised constitution will be returned by Phil shortly and distributed to all island residents. There will be another meeting after that to vote on the new constitution (details will be posted later), and then Phil will apply for charitable status on our behalf. One of the key proposals put forward at the meeting was to expand the maximum number of places on the Committee to nine, meaning that once accepted, new elections for a further two places on the Committee will be held. Thanks to all those who participated in the meeting, and we look forward to the next stage of the process.

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© 2009-2025 Rathlin Development and Community Association
Registered with HMRC as a Charity for Tax Purposes
Registered with the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC100375