RDCA & Rathlin Island Policy

Wednesday 3 February 2010

On Wednesday, 27th January, members of the RDCA Committee met with a team from the Department for Regional Development to continue work on the Rathlin Island Policy.

The draft Rathlin Policy has now been taken around the various NI Government departments for comments and one further strategic objective was added: 'To ensure Islanders have equitable access to post Primary education'. The Policy will now be put to the Executive for endorsement. We trust this last stage will be successful and hope to hear more news by the end of February.

In anticipation of such an endorsement DRD and RDCA have begun to work on the development of the Action Plan for the Policy. This will include further consultations between DRD and the Rathlin community over the next few months. DRD staff Alison McQueen and Jenny Graham now join the Policy team and we look forward tom working more with them.

About 15 of the DRD staff have signed up to spend a day on Rathlin Island as volunteers through the Volunteer Service Bureau and Business in the Community on Volunteer Day, 19th March. We look forward to meeting them all on the Island - more information soon!

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