Results of Votes on RDCA Voting Procedures

Friday 11 November 2011

A total of 45 people voted on Tuesday and Wednesday on RDCA Committee voting procedures.

On the voting method options, the votes were as follows:
Option 'A' (One 'X' for one candidate only, regardless of how many vacancies there are on the Committee): 24
Option 'B' (An 'X' for as many candidates as the voter wishes, up to the total number of vacancies on the Committee): 14
Option 'C' (Vote 1, 2, 3, etc. in order of preference, for as many candidates as the voter wishes (Proportional Representation by the Single Transferable Vote): 7

On the issue of holding votes over two days with the option of a postal ballot, 36 voted in favour, 6 against, and 3 did not vote on this part of the ballot paper.

These procedures will now be used for forthcoming elections, and will be formally adopted into the Constitution at the next AGM.

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