
Temporary Home Care Worker

Thursday 22 September 2011

The Northern Health and Social Care Trust has announced that it is recruiting a Temporary Home Care Worker for the Island:

'First Responder' Training

Monday 5 July 2010

Dalriada Urgent Care facilitators gave the first day of training to volunteer 'First Responders' from Rathlin last week. Nine people received initial training in emergency CPR and the use of defibrillators, with two more to be trained on a second date.

Keep Fit Classes/Jogging Group

Tuesday 15 June 2010

Following the popular Keep Fit Classes run by Matthew Watterson, the RDCA are considering how the classes may continue and have also invited Matthew to start and facilitate a Jogging Group for the community. A date for this will be confirmed soon.

Farewell to Nurse McGlinchey

Monday 29 March 2010

There was a huge turnout in Bruce's Kitchen on Friday to bid a fond farewell to Nicola McGlinchey, who has ably served the island community for the last few years.

Fitness Classes

Wednesday 3 March 2010

Fitness instructor Matthew Waterson will be taking fitness classes in the hall, starting Thursday 11 March at 8.00. Admission is £5.

Doctor's Visits

Wednesday 21 October 2009

The two medical practices in Ballycastle are scheduled to carry out a number of sessions on the Island between now and March 2010. Dr Fergal Hasson visited in September and returned in October to give flu vaccinations. Dr. Hegarty’s and Dr Hasson’s practise is due to make two more scheduled visits, one in January and another in March.

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Registered with HMRC as a Charity for Tax Purposes
Registered with the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC100375