
Computer Training Sessions

Wednesday 17 April 2013

The RDCA will be offering a number of computer training sessions at the end of April and in May. Each set of sessions will address a particular set of topics and a number of small group/individual clinic style sessions will also be available. Sessions will be held in both the afternoons and evenings.

Child Minders Employment Training

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Are you interested in becoming a Registered Child Minder?

Network Personnel in Ballycastle, in association with the European Social Fund, Northern Ireland Child Minder's Association (NICMA) and other professional NI trainers is offering a


Including accredited training in:

Safeguarding children
Health and safety for child minders
12 hour paediatric first aid training
Disability awareness
Food hygiene
Business aspects and record keeping

Training and volunteering certificates and awards

Cllr Sandra Hunter, Tom McDonnell, Ksenia Zywczuk, Fergus McFaul, Ciaran McCurdy, Bonnie Grobler, Caroline Carey, Suzy McCreery.

Thursday 6 September 2012

Cllr Sandra Hunter, Chair of Moyle District Council and Caroline Carey, acting Tourism Development Manager for Moyle visited Rathlin on Wednesday 22nd August for the presentation of certificates including ‘World Host’, a customer care training programme, to Rathlin Island residents and workers.

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Registered with HMRC as a Charity for Tax Purposes
Registered with the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC100375