Tuesday Club

Floating Support: Presentation and Thanks to Shauna Cecil

Thursday 3 May 2018

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Photo: Marina McMullan

On Friday 27 April, Shauna Cecil was joined by her colleague Margaret McQuilkin, members of the Tuesday Club, domiciliary care workers, nurse Keira and a few other friends as she stood down from her position with Floating Support after eleven years.

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Photo: Marina McMullan

Tuesday Club Christmas Dinner

Tuesday 1 December 2015

This year's Tuesday Club Christmas Dinner will be held on Thursday 10th December. Anyone interested in attending should contact Shauna to confirm by Friday 4th December.

Launch of Rathlin's Local Biodiversity Action Plan

Friday 20 November 2015

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A large groups of island residents turned up to Bruce's Kitchen on Tuesday afternoon for the official launch of Rathln's Local Biodiversity Action Plan. Both the island's Tuesday Club and the pupils and staff of St Mary's Primary School had been centrally involved in the formation of the Plan, which used the island's twenty two townlands as a way of exploring Rathlin's very special flora and fauna.

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