Rathlin: A Future Vision

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Rathlin: A Future Vision?

Rathlin residents are invited to participate in workshops that will equip people to embark on a different approach to creating a future vision and plan for the island.

The first workshops will provide an opportunity to learn about Appreciative Inquiry, the underpinning approach to this alternative planning process. Appreciative Inquiry (AI) identifies strengths and assets of communities, using them as a framework to co-create and co-design a future. The process is practical, positive and participative and based around conversations and working in small groups. These workshops will provide the opportunity to learn the theory, practice and the tools of Appreciative Inquiry. Each participant will receive copies of AI resource packs and Appreciating People Certificate of Professional Development (CPD).

The main workshop content will help participants to use the AI approach to give practical support to the development of a future vision for Rathlin Island. A major goal of the workshop will be to recruit a volunteer team that will help carry this project forward by engaging with the island community.

Workshops will be delivered by Appreciating People, experts in this work especially in community settings.

10.00am Monday 13th & Tuesday 14th January
Richard Branson Centre (Monday)
Resource Centre (Tuesday)

Please contact the Resource Centre as soon as possible to book as places are limited. The training is BIG Lottery funded, and is therefore open to Rathlin Island residents only.

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