Model Yacht Races

Guesthouse Shield Model Yacht Race

Tuesday 10 August 2010

The start time of the Guesthouse Shield Model Yacht Race has been put back from 2.30 to 7.00 on Sunday evening, 15th August.

Festival Week Model Yacht Race

Friday 23 July 2010

There was a tremendous turnout for the postponed Kinramer Trophy model yacht race yesterday evening, with nine boats competing - the largest number of racers in many years.

Festival Week Model Yacht Race Postponement

Monday 19 July 2010

The Kinramer Trophy model yacht race was postponed on Sunday because of lack of wind, and will now be held on Thursday 22nd July at 6.30 at Ushet Lough.

Coleraine Cup Model Yacht Race

Monday 31 May 2010

Congratulations to everyone who turned out for the Coleraine Cup on Sunday, with seven boats competing this time. Coming first were Johnny Mitchell and Marianne Green, with Brian Teggart and Becky Wilson coming second, and Conor and Cathal McCurdy coming third. The next race will be the Manor House Cup at the start of Festival Week on Sunday 11th July.

Marconi Shield Model Yacht Race

Wednesday 5 May 2010

There was another very successful model yacht race on Ushet on the Mayday Bank Holiday Sunday. A large crowd gathered to watch five boats - including three made during the winter workshops - compete for the Marconi Shield.

Alley Cup Model Yacht Race

Tuesday 6 April 2010

The first model yacht race of the season was held on Sunday, with a huge turnout attending. This was the first chance to see some of the new boats built over the winter with Loughie McQuilkin.

Alley Cup Model Yacht Race

Wednesday 31 March 2010

The first race of the new season will be on Easter Sunday, 4th April at 2.00, Ushet Lough. This will be the first try-out for the new generation of boats built under Loughie McQuilkin's supervision over the winter (see the series of galleries for more information), so come along and see how they fare!.

Model Yacht Race

Friday 23 October 2009

Congratulations to Margaret McQuilkin who won the Paddy O'Donnell Cup on Saturday 17 October. Second place went to Noel & Eoin McCurdy, and third place also went to Margaret! This was the last race of the season, so further congratulations to Margaret who won the overall championship, and to Conor McCurdy who won the junior championship.

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