
Consultations with Moyle DC and the DRD

Monday 23 November 2009

The RDCA will be holding meetings with the Department of Regional Development (DRD) this Friday 27th November about the ferry service, and with Moyle District Council and the DRD on Monday 30th November about the proposed harbour bye-laws. If you have any points or questions that you would like the RDCA to raise with these bodies, then please contact us before the meetings.

Removal of Scrap Cars

Wednesday 18 November 2009

The Ferry have offered to take scrap cars to the mainland without charge. It is essential that the car owners make their own arrangements to have the cars removed from the slipway in Ballycastle. The scrap cars will be fitted on the Canna space and weather permitting. Many thanks to Mary O'Driscoll for arranging this. Any queries please contact the Ferry.

Ryan Tubridy Show

Wednesday 18 November 2009

Congratulations to Marianne Green who was interviewed on this morning's Ryan Tubridy Show on RTÉ Radio 1.

Ferry Bookings

Tuesday 17 November 2009

Rathlin Island Ferry Ltd is asking passengers to please book in advance as passenger places are limited to 12 on the MV St. Sorney, and 27 on the MV Canna, and both vessels are very busy at the moment, particularly the first and last sailings of the St. Sorney.

German Television Programme

Thursday 12 November 2009

The NDR television crew that visited the island at the end of October were very pleased with the footage they recorded, and are expanding the segment of the programme about the island. The finished programme will be broadcast in Germany on Christmas Eve, and the RDCA will be sent a DVD copy, which will be available for viewing. Many thanks to all those who took part in the recording, and to those who were prepared to give their time.

Harbour Bye-Laws

Wednesday 11 November 2009

The RDCA welcomes the decision taken at the 9th November meeting of Moyle District Council that discussion of the Rathlin Harbour Bye Laws would be deferred until the December Council meeting, to allow for a fuller consultation process. Below is the text of the RDCA's statement on the Bye Laws.

Halloween Festival

Wednesday 4 November 2009

On Saturday 31st October, a Halloween festival was organised and funded by the Rathlin Development & Community Association, supported by the BIG Lottery Fund. With spooky story telling in the Manor House, a firework display in the harbour, and music and craic in the Bar until late - a great night was had by all.

Pub Quiz

Monday 2 November 2009

Congatulations to the winners of the Pub Quiz held in the bar on Friday 30 October. Fourteen teams participated, and the winning team was 'Spaceballs': Patricia Curry, Julie-Ann McMullan, Eileen Winter & Tom McDonnell.

Model Yacht Race

Friday 23 October 2009

Congratulations to Margaret McQuilkin who won the Paddy O'Donnell Cup on Saturday 17 October. Second place went to Noel & Eoin McCurdy, and third place also went to Margaret! This was the last race of the season, so further congratulations to Margaret who won the overall championship, and to Conor McCurdy who won the junior championship.

Water Services

Thursday 22 October 2009

The RDCA wrote to NI Water in September requesting clarification over concerns with the Island’s water supply. An initial response was received in September. The following response was received in October.

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