
Rathlin Snow

Wednesday 3 March 2010

Loughie McCuaig sent in several fantastic photos of the snowfall on Rathlin on Sunday 21 February - above is one of the best of the lot.

St Bonaventure University Beach Clean

Tuesday 2 March 2010

Students and staff of New York State's St. Bonaventure University have been visiting the island today and have been working hard on a beach clean from Mill Bay up to Church Bay, with help from a number of island residents and volunteers from Corrymeela. Pictured above are the group with Frances Gage and David Quinney Mee. Many thanks to everyone who gave their time and energy.

Statement by Minister for Regional Development

Tuesday 2 March 2010

The Minister for Regional Development, Conor Murphy has issued a statement about the DRD's policy for Rathlin Island. The statement is reproduced in full below:

Shackleton Rescue 80th Anniversary Celebration

Monday 1 March 2010

The Shackleton 80th anniversary celebration event held in the hall on Saturday was a great success with over sixty people attending.

Shackleton Rescue 80th Anniversary Celebration

Friday 26 February 2010

The RNLI Red Bay Lifeboat will be coming to Rathlin on Saturday (weather permitting) to support the Shackleton 80th anniversary celebration event. The boat is expected to arrive in the harbour at 12.45, and the crew will be attending the event in the hall at 1.00. All welcome to come and welcome the crew at the harbour.

Fitness Classes

Tuesday 23 February 2010

Fitness instructor Mathew Watterson is willing to come to Rathlin to start fitness classes for men and women. If you are interested in joining these classes please contact Teresa McFaul as soon as possible.

Shackleton Rescue 80th Anniversary Celebration

Tuesday 23 February 2010

The 80th anniversary celebration of the rescue of the Steam Trawler Shackleton on 1st March 1930 will be held in the Parochial Hall on Saturday 27th February at 1.00, featuring contributions from Loughie McQuilkin who remembers the rescue, the Tuesday Club, the school children, the island's Coastguard team, the RNLI, and Ian Wilson, author of 'Shipwrecks of the Ulster Coast'. The event will include an exhibition of pictures and artefacts, and refreshments will be provided.

Prince's Trust Business Programme Meeting

Monday 22 February 2010

The meeting organised by the RDCA with the Prince's Trust Business Programme was very successful, with seven young island residents attending to find out more about how the Trust might support business ideas. Marian Lewis of the Prince's Trust led an engaging conversation, stimulating and discussing young people's business opportunities on the island.

Community Group Training

Wednesday 17 February 2010

Moyle District Council has announced a programme of free training for members of community groups.

Irish Classes

Wednesday 17 February 2010

New Irish classes for adult learners - a chance to learn Rathlin's native tongue. Where? The Richard Branson Centre.
When? Wednesday evenings - time to be confirmed.
First registration: Wednesday 24th February, 5.30, Richard Branson Centre.
Classes run by Pobal an Chaistil, Ballycastle.
For further information contact Andrew (207 68583/077 1636 9439)

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