
Shackleton Rescue 80th Anniversary Celebration

Tuesday 23 February 2010

The 80th anniversary celebration of the rescue of the Steam Trawler Shackleton on 1st March 1930 will be held in the Parochial Hall on Saturday 27th February at 1.00, featuring contributions from Loughie McQuilkin who remembers the rescue, the Tuesday Club, the school children, the island's Coastguard team, the RNLI, and Ian Wilson, author of 'Shipwrecks of the Ulster Coast'. The event will include an exhibition of pictures and artefacts, and refreshments will be provided.

Prince's Trust Business Programme Meeting

Monday 22 February 2010

The meeting organised by the RDCA with the Prince's Trust Business Programme was very successful, with seven young island residents attending to find out more about how the Trust might support business ideas. Marian Lewis of the Prince's Trust led an engaging conversation, stimulating and discussing young people's business opportunities on the island.

Community Group Training

Wednesday 17 February 2010

Moyle District Council has announced a programme of free training for members of community groups.

Irish Classes

Wednesday 17 February 2010

New Irish classes for adult learners - a chance to learn Rathlin's native tongue. Where? The Richard Branson Centre.
When? Wednesday evenings - time to be confirmed.
First registration: Wednesday 24th February, 5.30, Richard Branson Centre.
Classes run by Pobal an Chaistil, Ballycastle.
For further information contact Andrew (207 68583/077 1636 9439)

Shackleton Rescue 80th Anniversary Celebration

Wednesday 17 February 2010

The RDCA is helping to organise a celebration event to mark the 80th anniversary of the rescue of the crew of the Fleetwood steam trawler Shackleton on Saturday 1st March 1930. The event will be held in the Parochial Hall on Saturday 27th February at 1.00, with talks, photographs and artefacts on display. All welcome. Much more detail to follow very soon.

Singing for All

Tuesday 16 February 2010

The RDCA has organised an evening of Taizé songs with Frank Nealis, in
St. Thomas's Church on Thursday 18th February, 7.30-9.00pm. Taizé is an international ecumenical community in France renowned for simple, beautiful songs. All welcome, no singing experience necessary!

Haiti Collection: Thank You

Tuesday 16 February 2010

One of the Habitat for Humanity Northern Ireland team has written to the RDCA to thank all the island residents who contributed to their Haiti Appeal during their visit to the island for the public meeting on Saturday 6th February. Below is the text of the letter:

Prince's Trust Business Programme Meeting

Tuesday 9 February 2010

The RDCA has arranged a public meeting with the Prince's Trust Business Programme, to be held in the Richard Branson Centre, 2.00-4.00 on Saturday 20th February. The meeting is designed to provide information on how the Trust can support 18-30 year olds explore business ideas. For further information, please contact the Resource Centre.

Habitat for Humanity Meeting

Monday 8 February 2010

The public meeting with Habitat for Humanity and the Northern Ireland Housing Executive was very well attended, with seventeen island residents coming to the Richard Branson Centre on Saturday afternoon to get information and to discuss affordable and social housing on Rathlin.

RDCA & Rathlin Island Policy

Wednesday 3 February 2010

On Wednesday, 27th January, members of the RDCA Committee met with a team from the Department for Regional Development to continue work on the Rathlin Island Policy.

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Registered with the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC100375